Monday 25 June 2012

Student Video Analysis

I chose to analyse a student music video becuase then I would be able to see what was done well and what was done not so well. This should help me when it comes to our music video as I shouldn't make the same mistakes that a previous student did.

For a student video analysis i chose to analyse "Girl all the bad guys want".
I chose to analyse this song because it is classified as part of two genres and one of these is rock, the same genre as what our song is from. The song is sung by 'Bowling for soup' and is from their 2002 album 'Drunk enough to dance'.

The things i liked about this video were. . .
The performance part on the trailer was effective; it looked as though they were on CCTV due to it being in black and white and having the numbers at the bottom of the frame, i think that this works well because it adds a humorous side to the performance which is different to the majority of other music videos.
Things that i would have done differently were. . .
 The part at the end when the two characters are walking away into the sunset. I think that the green screen doesn't work as well as it could do. Therefore i would use a different tone of colour on the green screen to make it look more realistic. However the green screen still works well for the video as it adds to the overall mood created by it.

Overall. . .
I really like this because it isn't your typical music video and doesn't meet all the conventions of rock such as having no live performance but just the band practising instead. I think this makes the video more intersting to the audience as well. 

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