Friday 19 October 2012

Storyboard Update - Performance

Shot Type: Long Shot
Camera Movement: Still
Notes: Shot includes all of the band members within the frame. Establishing shot of the band to show that they're the artist/band who sings the song. Each band member is in their set position.

Shot Type: Close-up --> Mid-shot
Camera Movement: Still
Notes: Shot of the bassist, who is in one of the spotlights. The spotlight is yellowy orange. This shot will be shown around the lyric "Jimmy quit".

Shot Type: Extreme Close-up
Camera Movement: Still
Notes: Close-up of the cords on the bass guitar which is being played by the lead singer.

Shot Type: Close-up --> Mid-shot
Camera Movement: Still
Notes: Shot of the drummer, who is in the other spotlight. This shot is shown around the lyric "Jody got married".

Shot Type: Close-up
Camera Movement: Still
Notes: Low angle shot of the lead singer with extreme facial expressions. Other members of the band are at the back out of focus.

Shot Type: Extreme Close-up
Camera Movement: Still
Notes Shot of the lead singer, close-up. Your able to see the other members of the band in the background but they are out of focus.

Shot Type: Long Shot
Camera Movement: Pan across the room or a dolly movement
Notes: Shot includes the entire band. A dolly will be used to travel across the room steadily and will include different closeness of each of the band members in turn.

Shot Type: Mid-shot
Camera Movement: Still
Notes: Shots of the entire band practicing but relaxed and moving around the stage.

Shot Type: Long Shot
Camera Movement: Still
Notes: Shot of the band from behind them.

Shot Type: Mid-shot
Camera Movement: Pan
Notes: Shot of the drummer from a side-view. Slight pan from left to right.
Shot Type: Mid-shot
Camera Movement: Pan
Notes: Shot of the bassist from a side-view. Slight pan from right to left.

Shot Type: Long shot. Low angle.
Camera Movement: Still
Notes: Low angle shot of all the band members.

Shot Type: Mid-shot. Low angle.
Camera Movement: Still
Notes: Shot of the lead singer from a low-angle and also other shots from a normal angle.

Shot Type: Extreme Close-up
Camera Movement: Still
Notes: Shot of the lead singer miming.

Shot Type: Mid-shot
Camera Movement: Still
Notes: Shot has the drummer in the center of the stage with the singer and the guitarist either side of him.

Shot Type: Long Shot --> Mid-shot
Camera Movement: Slight Pan
Notes: End of performance. Includes each member of the band.

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