Tuesday 14 August 2012

Target Audience Research

For our target audience research we looked at a number of different websites, one of these was Bauer media along with a number of radio stations which play rock music, these included Planet-Rock, Rock FM and Kerrang!

The main target audience of PlanetRock is middle aged men but it also appeals to the younger generation or people who are good with technology due to it being the DAB -digital radio format, and also because it runs through android phones and iTunes which appeals to the younger generation.
Rock FM's target audience appeals both to male and female aged 15 and up. According to Rock FM's website 22% of the population of the UK aged 15 and over listen to Rock FM who reach 276,000 people each week.
Kerrang! has a more mainstream culture and therefore appeals to a wider audience. Kerrang! markets itself as "a true alternative to pop music".

In evaluation the station we feel is more likely to play the song -Summer of 69 by Bryan Adams is PlanetRock, this is because it has previously being played by them before along with some of Bryan Adams other songs. Also becuase of their use of technology appeals to people who are white male and around 17+ which is the same as our initial target audience.

1 comment:

  1. Charlie

    You need to:

    - do a post on demographics and psychographics of your target audience

    - interview someone from your TA about what they like/dislike/expect from a 'rock' video. audio or a video clip would be ideal.

    - identify the media forms/products you'd use to advertise/play your music vid (e.g. which music channels/ads on which websites, etc.)

    see me for help or look at other blogs for similar things.
