Saturday 1 September 2012

Demographics and Psychographics

When taking into account our target audience we decided to look at both demographics and psychographics. We thought that this would give us a better idea of not only who were are aiming our video at but also what they like and what would be effective to include within our music video.

Demographics - Statistical data relating to the population and particular groups within it.

Our video is mainly aimed at white British men aged 17 and up. Yet there are also anomalies who aren't in this category but who still enjoy rock music, from research I have found out that the song "Summer of 69" is one of the popular rock songs which is enjoyed by a wide audience with different demographics. However from our research we have chosen that our narrowed target audience should include the demographics. . .

Age: 17 and over
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: White British
Social Class: Not an issue

Psychographics - The study and classification of people according to their attitudes, interests and opinions.

Attitudes: Pretty laid back, not willing to listen to another genre of music.
Interests: They would probably have an interest in classical rock music and not be interested in the mainstream music charts. They're likely to have an interest in listening to music or playing a musical instrument.
Opinions: They are likely to have strong opinions about everything and be very passionate about their opinions and not change no matter what anyone else says.

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