Friday 28 September 2012

Additional Change of Cast

For the school band we have decided to cut out the electric guitar player, the electric guitar will now be played by the lead singer we feel that this fits better as Bryan Adams is usually seen singing with a guitar around his neck. We have also changed the drummer from Jenni Rayner to Kane Guichard.
We think that by using a male for the third band member rather than a female will be good as it will show how stereo typically bands consist of all males.

The cast for this scene will be as follows

Henry - will be playing the lead singer who will also be playing the electric guitar
Will - will be playing the bass guitar, known as Jimmy ('Jimmy quit')
Kane will be playing the drums, known as Jody ('Jody got married')

Thursday 27 September 2012


Planning for filming this Sunday

Costume, this will depend upon the weather but hopefully it will be sunny so that we are able to have the actors wearing summery clothes which are causal. By looking at the BBC website we have foreseen that the weather is predicted to have showers throughout the day. Therefore the 'summery' clothes are likely to consist of jeans and a t shirt  This will mean we can still film in the warm periods and the actors won't get cold when were waiting for the rain to stop.

Lighting, we will use no lighting effects and only have natural daylight, this is because it should make it more realistic and will make the viewer focus more on the content of the frame than the bright or dim lights.

Henry will be playing the lead singer
Hollie will be playing the love interest
The actors body language will show that they are in love and its the 'best days of their lives'

Henry will not be wearing any make-up
Hollie will be wearing above basic make-up, this is because she is spending time with her boyfriend and wants to look nice.

Props, we may use props such as benches or swings for the actors to sit on and be talking to each other whilst the camera is rolling.
Equipment which we will be using is a video camera, a tripod to keep the camera steady as well as a normal camera to take photos of the process of filming.

Setting, for the setting we will be using the local park, this is because it is a good natural location as well as being easily accessible.

Monday 24 September 2012


To edit our video we are going to use Movie Studio Platinum 12.0 

Here are where all our shots of video are shown. We decided to upload a number of takes, as then we could choose the best ones which fit together well. We also filmed from a number of angles which meant that these could be 'flicked' through when there is a more upbeat of the song. 

So far we have scene 1 filmed and edited, the above picture shows the guitar which is the main subject for the majority of scene 1.

When editing the beginning of our music video we chose to have the panning up the guitar first, we thought that this would be a good opening as it shows one of the main parts of the song "When i played that old six string" which is how the song starts so we decided to link this part to the lyric and match it. 

Saturday 22 September 2012


We decided to do an audition for who was going to play the love interest in our music video. The choice was between Danielle Burns and Hollie Furniss.
For the other actors we decided that we wouldn't be needing auditions as we were set in our choices, this is because we knew how good at acting they were already and they we available to film at the same time.

After the audition we chose to go with having Hollie acting as the love interest for the narrative part of the video, this is becuase her acting was very good and compared to Dani she worked well with Henry. This would be important as every scene that she's in, she's in it with Henry. Other reasons that we chose her were that she fit the role well and is also avalable for filming when it fit in with our shooting schedule best.

Friday 21 September 2012


Acoustic Guitar - We decided to use an acoustic guitar as it is the 'old six string' which is mentioned several times throughout the song.

Electric Guitar - This will be played by Henry in the band scene, this is because lead singers are usually seen playing a guitar as well as singing.

Bass Guitar - this will be used in the band scene played by another member of the band who is called 'Jimmy'.

Drums - this will be used in the band scene which will be played by another member of the band who will be 'Jody'.
Mobile Phone - This will be held by Henry when he is wondering whether or not to call his ex partner, we thought a phone would be a good prop to use because its something that a modern teenager spends a lot of time on talking to friends.


Here are our plan's for what mise-en-scene we are going to include in our music video.

Thursday 20 September 2012

Questionnaire Results

When conducting my questionnaire I decided that we only wanted results from our potential TA and from people who enjoyed rock music and consumed music videos. This is why i classed results from any other people as void.

From the results that were valid 70% had watched the original "Summer of 69" music video and 72% of these liked it.
Some reasons given were. . .
"It shows the band performing"
"Uses both black&white and colour"
"Has a rebellious feel to it"
The 28% that didn't like had reasons such as. . .
"There isn't enough performance"
"The narrative at the end with no music ruins it"

The results showed that things people liked to see in rock music videos are. . .
A band even with a solo singer
Instruments - including guitar, drums and keyboard
Some sort of love interest
The band 'chilling' out
Lots of performance- some on stage
Rural settings 

The results showed that things people didn't like in rock music videos are. . .
Party scenes
Disco lights which are usually in other genres videos - such as pop
Fluffy animals
'Pop' colours
Urban settings such as clubs, bars and streets

When asked their favorite and least favorite rock music videos the responses were varied.

Favorite rock music video; top responces were. . .
Nickleback - Rockstar
Kings of Leon - Sex on Fire
The Killers - Human
Coldplay - Lost
The main reason given for these being the top favorite were that the performance parts of the videos were good and the concept behind each are effective.

Least favorite rock music video; top responces were. . .
Survivor - Eye of the Tiger
David Bowie and Mick Jagger - Dancing in the streets
Billy Squire - Rock me Tonight
The main reasons given were that these videos were very old fashioned and showed older people in them rather than younger or middle aged people.

From these results we are able to see what people want in a rock video and what people don't want. From this information we've chosen to include more performance in our video than we were planning on doing. We are also going to use people from the younger generation as more people are able to relate to being that age, as well as having a rebellious edge in the performance/band part of the video.

TA Questionaire

Here is a blank version of the questionaire which i am going to ask a number of people to fill in from our target audience. This should help us find out what they would like to see in our music video and what they don't want to see in it. Hopefully this will make our video more effective.

Monday 17 September 2012

Risk Assessment

We decided to produce a risk assessment as it will mean that the filming of our music video will be able to run as smoothly as possible without any possible injuries. By having a risk assessment we will be able to easily check how many risks there is for each day we shoot and then sort these out before filming or make sure everyone on set knows about them and what additional measures are to be taken to make sure that health and safety regulations are followed.

Thursday 13 September 2012

Filming Day 1

Filming that took place on Tuesday 11th September

We started filming and decided to start shooting with shots from the beginning scenes, these shots included the panning up a guitar and performance by the lead singer. The performance aspect which we filmed will be fed through different parts of the music video.
The location we filmed at was a flat where the narrative of the lead singer will be set.
The only prop used was the guitar which plays an important role in the video as it is a big convention of rock.
The equipment used were the camera, tripod and iPod. We used the iPod so that the actor knew the beat of the song and the words which he was meant to be mining next.

We are thinking of re-filming this part because we want the actor to show more expression when singing the song, this will include more dramatic body language and facial expressions as well as miming with more enthusiasm.
We also hope that when we re-film the actors miming will be better so that when it comes to editing it will be easier to make it look realistic.

Final Storyboard

Here are our final storyboards. . .

Shot type: Panning close up
Camera Movement: Panning
Notes: Mounted camera moves up the guitar
Shot type: Closeup 
Camera Movement: Zoom out then pan
Notes: A hand moves into shot then camera pans round to reveal singer holding guitar

Shot type: Mid shot (Handheld?)
Camera Movement: Still
Notes: Shows the band practicing using effective lighting
Shot type: Close-up and Fade
Camera Movement: Still
Notes: Band member faded out of shot on the lyric "Jimmy Quit"

Shot type: Mid shot and Fade
Camera Movement: Still
Notes: 2 more band members faded out on the lyric "Jody got married" 
Shot type: Mid shot
Camera Movement: Still
Notes: All other band members are gone leaving just the singer

Shot type: Mid shot
Camera Movement: Pan
Notes: Shows the singers looking through photo album
Shot type: Over the shoulder shot
Camera Movement: Still 
Notes: OTS shot of singer remenising about his summer with and old girlfriend

By having these storyboards we will be able to be more organised as we will be able to integrate them with our shot lists and shooting schedules, this way we will know exactly what we are filming and also when we will be filming it. This will allow us to know what we have filmed and what is left for us to film as well as us knowing how we are setting up each scene and its composition. 

Storyboard Draft

Shot type: Tilting closeup
Camera Movement: Tilting
Notes: Camera moves up a guitar at close range. No transition.
Shot type: Close-up
Camera Movement: Zoom out then pan
Notes: A hand moves into shot then camera pans round to reveal singer holding guitar.

Shot type: Mid-shot (possibly handheld?)
Camera Movement: Still
Notes: Mid-shot showing a band playing
Shot type: Close-up and Fade (handheld?)
Camera Movement: Still
Notes: "Jimmy quits" band member fades out of shot

Shot type: Mid-shot and Fade (Handheld?)
Camera Movement: Still
Notes: "Jody got married" 2 more band members faded out.
Shot type: Mid-shot
Camera Movement: None (Tripod)
Notes: All other band members are gone leaving just the singer.

Shot type: Mid-shot
Camera Movement: Pan
Notes: Shows singer looking through photo-album
Shot type: Over the shoulder shot
Camera Movement: Camera remains still
Notes: OTS shot of the singer reminiscing about his summer with an old girlfriend.

Shot type: Extreme closeup
Camera Movement: Still
Notes: Camera focuses on one still of the couple. then the page turns and transitions into next scene.
Shot type: Mid shot (Handheld)
Camera Movement: Still
Notes: Various angles of couple in love

Shot type: Close up
Camera Movement: Still
Notes: Closeup of woman holding singers hand
Shot type: Mid to long shot 
Camera Movement: Still
Notes: Performance

Shot type: Longshot
Camera Movement: Still
Notes: Henry stood outside danis house
Shot type: Mid-shot of dani
Camera Movement: Still
Notes: Through window dani looking through window at Henry

Shot type: Longshot
Camera Movement: Still
Notes: Henry walking away from the house
Shot type: Midshots
Camera Movement: Tracking
Notes: Henry walking towards camera henry walking away from camera.

Ideas for photo album scene...

Shot type: Over the shoulder shot
Camera Movement: Remains still
Notes: OTS shot of the singer remenising about his summer with an old girlfriend
Shot type: Still Photo
Camera Movement: None
Notes: 2 stills in photo album showing singer playing the other showing the singer and the love interest as a couple

Either 3/4
Shot type: Still that transitions into a tracking shot
Camera Movement: Tracking
Notes: Possible idea of a photo coming to life and going from a still into a tracking shot of singer and the love interest
Shot type: Still to extreme closeup
Camera Movement: Pan out
Notes: Possible idea of using an extreme closeup of a photo album page being turned to reveal the next live action scene.

We decided to do a draft storyboard using post-it notes, this was so we were able to un stick them and move them about so we were able to see which order would best fit our music video. Also by having a draft we would then be able to improve this to create our final storyboard. Also if we had ideas part way through our storyboard we would be able to add them because it wasn't drawn on, we did all of the images first and then added the writing once we had chosen the order to put them in.

Sunday 9 September 2012

Shot List

Here is our planned shot list so far
 Here's a draft list of our shots that we think were going to use for our music video.
Having a shot list will mean that we will be able to plan our shooting schedule more effectively than we could if we didn't have one.
This will be updated if we choose to use anyother shots

Saturday 8 September 2012

TA Interview

To gain a better idea of what our chosen target audience would like to see in our music video we conducted an interview with a member of the demographic white men aged 17 and over. Here are the results we received

1. Are you a fan of our chosen genre Rock?
Yes, I am my favourite band is from the genre, Cold-play

2. Are you a fan of our chosen artist (Bryan Adams)?
 Yes but only because of one song, "Summer of 69". 

3. What is your favourite type of music video, performance or narrative?
I like a cross between the two because I like seeing the acting on screen but also the sense of a live performance you can get from a video.

4. What do you like to see in a rock music video?

I like the video to be eye catching, with bright colours and being able to keep my attention, without it being repetitive. I also like when thier are performance scenes to see the whole band not just the front men.

5. What don't you like to see in a rock music video?
When what you see in the video doesn't fit the lyrics of the song, if part of the story isn't relavent to the lyric it shouldn't be in the video because it really doesn't look good. Also I dont like it when in the narrative based scenes the editing is so fast you struggle to follow what's going on.

6. Finally what other media do you consume?
TV, radio, internet,films. My favorite is the internet. 

This information will help us when planning what we will and will not include in our music video. 

Cast and Roles

Here are our current cast and roles for our music video.

Henry Inman
Will play the lead singer as well as the main narrative character. Henry is a confident A Level Drama student, he should therefore be able to act well and be willing to do any shots which an inexperienced person may be more reserved to do. He's in our group and knows what shots he wants and what he wants in them so should act them well.

Danielle Burns
Dani will play the love interest for the narrative parts of the video. She is pretty and fits the role well. She use to study media so knows the rules of how actors are meant to be in front of the camera and what makes a good image. She's a good friend so will act to the best of her ability so we are able to get a good video.

Will Davidson
Will will be in the band and play the bass in the performance part of the video. He is good at music and plays the bass in his spare time. He is able to play "Summer of 69" on the bass, which will make it more realistic, it will also mean that he is in his comfort zone when playing an instrument. He also studies media so knows what good acting looks like.

Jordan Chilvers
Jordan will play the electric guitar in the band for the performance aspects of the video. We chose him becuase hehimtudies drama and has always been a good actor, because he acts in his spare time he will be confident with acting in front of a camera.

Drummer: Jenni Rayner
Jenni is also a drama student, she is willing to play a part with an instrument and is able to pick up beats of songs fast; this is because she enjoys listening to music. This means that she will be able to work out the beat of "Summer of 69" and play the drums to this beat.

One of the main reasons we chose the people above is because most of them have studied drama and enjoy acting so they should feel comfortable being in the music video.

Camera and Directing: Charlie Bradley
We decided that I would be the director and camera operator becuase I didn't want to act in the video. Also between me and Henry, we thought that I would be able to work with the technology better as well as frame the shot well. With Henry acting in the majority of the video, we thought it would be hard for him to direct the people around him as this would affect his acting therefore I will be doing the directing.

Bryan Adams

Wednesday 5 September 2012

UK Tribe Research

To research further into my target audience I decided to look at a website called UK Tribe - The Home of UK Youth Research. There are 5 separate groups and then sub groups within these.

Out of these I would put our target audience in the alternative category.
Possessing an alternative taste in music and fashion no longer automatically denotes outsider status. Instead, this segment makes up a significant slice of the youth market, with the Internet helping to smash the barriers to the alternative lifestyle. An enthusiasm for indie fashion and band culture is now almost obligatory in the development of middle class teens.

What I have found about teenagers in our TA from my research. . .
Vaguely rebellious
Conform with peers.
Open minded about music and fashion but wary of mainstream and determined to be different together.
White British
Middle and Working class kids
Passionate about music
Friendship groups, tastes and activities are largely defined online
Best way to reach them is through niche magazines and social media
'Defiently agreed' that they "like to share music with my mates" more than all other segments
They loved going to gigs more than most.

The brands they consume are. . .
Amazon, American Apparel, DC,, Nintendo DS, Top-man, Quicksilver, Vans, Xbox 360

The media they consume are. . .
X-Fm, 4More, Eurogamer,4OD, YouTube, NME, Facebook, Kerrang!, Myspace

Their media consumption. . .

From this information we are able to see where it will be best to exhibit and promote our music video when targeting the younger segment of our target market.
I would say the best places to exhibit our video would be on YouTube and sell our digipak through places such as amazon and video game stores (which sell products which they use - Xbox and Nintendo DS)
The best places to promote would be on YouTube, social network sites such as Facebook and Myspace as well as in adverts on channel 4 and in magazines read by them.

Saturday 1 September 2012

Who will advertise/play our music video?

There are a number of different media forms/products which we could use to both advertise and/or play our music video.

To advertise our music video we could use YouTube and have it advertised when ever someone is watching a video which has a tag of 'rock music' 'Bryan Adams' 'summer of 69' or certain band names who share our target audience. We could also use YouTube to play our music video, this would be beneficial because YouTube is used by a huge number of people to watch music videos. It is also easy to find the type of music video which you want to watch as you are able to type in which genre of music.

Another place we could use to play our video is 'Rocktelevision', if we used this to play our video it could be seen both on TV and through the Internet  This would reach a larger audience of rock fans than showing it on the mainstream TV music channels or Internet sites. We could also place an advertisement on the TV channel or website.

Another company we could use if we wished to have a promotional banner is LaundroMatinee whose site is about Indie Rock music, they also have a sister site called 'My Old Kentucky Blog' which also offers multiple banner advertising offers.