Saturday 8 September 2012

Cast and Roles

Here are our current cast and roles for our music video.

Henry Inman
Will play the lead singer as well as the main narrative character. Henry is a confident A Level Drama student, he should therefore be able to act well and be willing to do any shots which an inexperienced person may be more reserved to do. He's in our group and knows what shots he wants and what he wants in them so should act them well.

Danielle Burns
Dani will play the love interest for the narrative parts of the video. She is pretty and fits the role well. She use to study media so knows the rules of how actors are meant to be in front of the camera and what makes a good image. She's a good friend so will act to the best of her ability so we are able to get a good video.

Will Davidson
Will will be in the band and play the bass in the performance part of the video. He is good at music and plays the bass in his spare time. He is able to play "Summer of 69" on the bass, which will make it more realistic, it will also mean that he is in his comfort zone when playing an instrument. He also studies media so knows what good acting looks like.

Jordan Chilvers
Jordan will play the electric guitar in the band for the performance aspects of the video. We chose him becuase hehimtudies drama and has always been a good actor, because he acts in his spare time he will be confident with acting in front of a camera.

Drummer: Jenni Rayner
Jenni is also a drama student, she is willing to play a part with an instrument and is able to pick up beats of songs fast; this is because she enjoys listening to music. This means that she will be able to work out the beat of "Summer of 69" and play the drums to this beat.

One of the main reasons we chose the people above is because most of them have studied drama and enjoy acting so they should feel comfortable being in the music video.

Camera and Directing: Charlie Bradley
We decided that I would be the director and camera operator becuase I didn't want to act in the video. Also between me and Henry, we thought that I would be able to work with the technology better as well as frame the shot well. With Henry acting in the majority of the video, we thought it would be hard for him to direct the people around him as this would affect his acting therefore I will be doing the directing.

1 comment:

  1. What role will each of these play?

    Why certain people for cartain roles (don't just say they do drama?

    Why you for camera & director?

    Just needs a bit more detail.
